Authentication Issues
Issues related to logging in, out, or about multiple devices.
For security reasons and inactive account has a maximum session time of 180 minutes. After that your session will close automatically and a re-login will be forced.
Make sure that your payment details are valid. Please forward the error you are getting to us and we will investigate asap.
The expected involvement on your behalf when testing a software such as LaserQuote implies a number of hours and a commitment that goes beyond the typical let's try and see approach. Garbage in - garbage out philosophy applies here and you need to setup and play around with the settings and functionality to get LaserQuote in tune with your own business needs and data. This is why we offer a monthly option where you can get charged month by month and when you are sure you can swap to a yearly charge to benefit from the associated savings.
Issues related to payments or invoicing.
To update your payment details navigate to Setup>My Subscription> Update Credit Card Details as shown below.
We can only offer the PayPal option for a yearly subscription. Please email us regarding this request and we can issue a separate invoice which can be paid via PayPal.
Indeed we do promote incentives for recommendations that end up in a new signup. Upon such a case please get in touch and we shall reward you with three months of free usage for every yearly account signup and one month for a monthly one.
We are obligate to add the GST (Australian tax) to all our clients based in Australia. This should be made clear on the signup page. Note that a receipt/invoice is issued directly from our Stripe account which acts as a tax invoice.
Upgrading to RanFab, our full ERP software, is easy. All you need is to get in touch with us, pay for the upgrade ( you can do that on a pro-rata approach), and enable the full functionality inside your business space. That means you can instantly create orders from your existing quotes. On top of that, you will gain access to production control, inventory, purchasing, and much more.